
encouraging sign for a harmonious household. . .

My roommate came home today with about five dozen oysters!

They were delicious (even if they were west coast oysters ;) ), and I am now a fan of the oyster shooter: an oyster in a shot glass with a drizzle of hot chili sauce.

Jonathan picked them from an oyster farm a few hours outside the city and then shucked them himself in our kitchen sink. He used a screwdriver and a lot of elbow grease. I tried to open one . . . emphasis on the tried . . . sheepishly, i have to admit he loosened it. Even if it wasn't all my own labor, it was still absolutely delicious straight from the shell.

mmmmmm, oysters.

Hopefully they will be good brain food - tomorrow is my first day of work!

1 comment:

Melissa C Morris said...

I also tried sheepishly to shuck once -- I was way too scared that I'd miss the shell and jab my hand, so I gave up and let my brother shuck. Thankfully they're just as delicious when someone else opens them for you.